Everything Changes, Nothing Stays The Same
Hot afternoon on an African market day
People galore, noise abounds,
The street hawker yells so loud and clear
In a piercing voice you will not forget
5 oranges for 20 cedis she says
But soon night time comes
And silence prevails, liked no one ever walked the street
Because everything changes, and nothing stays the same
Soft cuddly baby born today
Ooooo so cute and yet so fragile
No words to speak, lots to eat and sleep
Soo much to learn, so much to do
Baby grows up and looks around
This world’s a funny place
I hope to make the most of it
Because everything changes, and nothing stays the same
There will be laughter, there will be tears
Friends will abound and so will enemies
There will be peace, but war still looms
Poverty and wealth will coexist
Life and death will never cease
Neither will sickness and health
We will lose loved ones but we will gain others
Because everything changes, nothing stays the same
Two old folks walking down the street
Lady with long gray hair, guy with shiny bald head
Hands in tow, backs somewhat curved
Lost in their own thoughts, captivated in their world
They move and dance to their own rhythm
They once were young and, in a hurry,
But not today, there is lots of time to burn
Because everything changes, and nothing stays the same
So, when you awake each day
Take a moment to count your blessing
Strap yourself, gird your loins
Give life the best you’ve got
Say a kind word to all you meet
Stay humble and say your prayers
Cos you are here today and gone tomorrow
Because everything changes, and nothing stays the same
“The only constant in life is change”-Heraclitus